Programme 2025

Meetings take place on Thursday evenings at 7.30pm in Warmington Village Hall (unless otherwise stated). Members free, guests, £2. Membership is only £10 per year!

(Page updated 27th January 2025)



Thursday, 30th January 2025. Re-scheduled Christmas get together. 

As there were so many members unable to attend the Christmas get together in December it has been decided to meet at the Plough in Warmington. A chance to look forward to the year ahead and have a drink or a meal.  The Plough comes well recommended so best book a table if you want to eat. 



Thursday, 20 Feb 2025

Beat Kümin returns for a talk on: 

‘Tower Ball Deposits in the German Lands’ 

The chronicles and objects some German communities deposit in golden spheres located on top of towers during construction or repairs.  (More information on the “Next Meeting” page).



Thursday, 20th March

William Waddilove

Water mills in Warwickshire





Thursday, 17th April

Treasures of Upton House




Thursday, 15th May

Still at the planning stage but there is a possibility of an after hours meeting at Canons Ashby…begin at the church and the history of the priory…down to the stew ponds…back to the house to study the way in which each elevation is from a different century….then to the courtyard and a bit of garden history ….followed by tea and cake in the restaurant. Time and date to be finalised, so watch this space!



As the programme is in development, please check back later.